The Jammer

temporarily disables any wireless alarm system, and only a few brands report this to you.

What is Jamming

Jamming is interference with the wireless signal.

These days, almost all alarm systems are wireless. Easy, quick and cheaper to install than wired systems. However, wireless also has a big disadvantage. It is easier to sabotage than a wired system, if Jamming detection is missing or not working properly!
Jamming is used to prevent the communication of alarms within wireless security systems. Jamming devices are called jamming generators or signal suppressors and they are commonly known as jammers or jammers.
Jammers operate within a certain radius at the frequency of the device whose operation is to be jammed. If the frequencies of the device and the jammer or jammer do not match, the jamming does not affect the operation of the device.
Jamming can target both individual detectors and the security system as a whole.

How a Jammer works

A Jammer can ‘jam’ a particular band or perform broadband sabotage of several security system communication technologies simultaneously.
In practice: The alarm appears to be on for the owner, but the Jammer causes none of the detectors to work. The signal sent by the detector does not reach the central unit in the house.
In other words, the motion detector transmits no registration when the Jammer is active.
Examples of Jammers with broadband that can jam multiple networks simultaneously (e.g. Wi-Fi and GSM) are:

  • Hand-held or portable, the same size as a phone and with relatively low power. They prevent data transmission at a distance of 5-15 metres (without obstacles).
  • Stationary – such devices are much more powerful and expensive. The higher the price, the greater the range and number of networks they can jam. The wider the frequency band and the larger the jamming radius, the more powerful the jamming generator must be. Powerful jammers or jammers can get very hot and require extra cooling. Also, the lower the jamming frequency is, the larger the antenna of the jamming generator needs to be. This all affects the size of the device. Jammers or jammers with a range of 100 metres (in an open space) have substantial dimensions, forced cooling, and a 230 V power supply.
Draagbare Jammer

Hand-held / Portable

Desktop Jammer


Jammers easily available online

Thieves are increasingly walking around with a Jammer in their hands. Almost all alarm systems from major national providers are not Jamming-proof, making a Jammer very interesting for burglars to purchase. Both desktop and handheld copies are available, convenient to carry in your pocket.
How can you recognise if an alarm system can detect Jamming?
Almost all alarm systems these days work with an app on the smartphone. The app will then indicate somewhere what the current value of the signal-to-noise ratio is.
With the manufacturer Hikvision, this is shown in the status overview at the bottom under the name wireless noise level. Here there are 2 values that need to be below 53dBm and 70dBm to function properly.
For the manufacturer AJAX, you will find these values in the Hub settings at the bottom. Here the average noise level (dBm) is mentioned and the values are expressed with 3 negative numbers.
If interference with the wireless signal is detected, the value of these numbers shoots up and you receive a notification on your smartphone.

Nationwide security companies do not check for Jamming.

Extremely important
: To our knowledge, no known national and international security company actively checks for this form of tampering. Indeed, most systems are not even capable of detecting Jamming.

In other words: If an intruder is carrying a Jammer, your alarm system will temporarily stop working, and both you and the monitoring station will receive NO NOTIFICATION of intrusion.
Once the burglar and the Jammer are gone, the alarm system will function normally again. If you deactivate the alarm yourself when you return home, the system will indicate that nothing has happened because it was unable to detect the Jamming.

Insurance requirements

We are often told that people have been told through their contents insurance that their contents can only be insured if they have installed an alarm system with monitoring station. It is very unwise to comply with this insurance requirement. Why? If a burglar has a Jammer, no notification arrives at the monitoring station. The system is then disabled, so to speak.
If you subsequently suffer a burglary and the monitoring station has not received a report, the insurer will say that your alarm system was disabled at the time of the burglary. So the insurer will then not pay out!
To avoid this kind of calamity, it is much wiser to take out contents insurance elsewhere without this extra condition of an alarm centre. There are plenty of insurance companies in Spain that accept to insure your household contents without this condition. Need tips? Get in touch with us.